Flexiseeder dosing equipment

Flexiseeder is our New Zealand partner that manufactures seeding equipment for experimental seed drills,

S-M-V ApS is the European distributor of this equipment

High quality dosing equipment with electrical or mechanical operation.

Cell wheels up to 400 mm diameter, but also small cell wheels and cassette sawing equipment are on the program.

In addition, band cone distributors in different sizes depending on the parcel size.

Flexiseeder is owned by John Stevens who resides in New Zealand.

John has been working with these things for many years and has a vast experience in this equipment

John is also very involved in the entire supply chain and development/collaboration of new varieties and testing across a large part of the world.

Flexiseeder products come in different sizes and versions

Cell wheel version diameter: 400 mm - 280 mm - 280 / 400 mm

Tape cone: 400 mm

Drives. Mechanical with gearbox, electrical with stepper motor and associated computer

Pros: Electrically powered spinner with stepper motor

Gravity distribution. Gravity version where the seeds fall into the seed coulter by means of an electric spinner and distributor head with different outlets. 6-24 outlets.

Air assisted distribution system: A hydraulically driven fan blows through venturi tubes and takes seed to a distributor head.

These white plastic distributor heads (pom) are available with many different numbers of outlets and are easily changed. The hoses are connected with quick-release couplings easily and quickly.

Multiple outlets can be connected to the same fan.