Proviper 1800 - 18 meter fully hydraulic weed wiper

Proviper A modern Weedviper with enormous capacity and a wicking system that can deposit large amounts of liquid on plants.

The machine is operated from the driver's seat, hydraulically extend and fold.

Weedviper boom with a working width of 18 meters, divided into 5 sections that independently follow the ground using wheels that maintain a constant height to the ground.

Hydraulic relief of the boom so that height wheels do not sink into the ground or have to carry the entire boom.

Common hydraulic height adjustment of the entire boom during operation.

Fluid system consisting of a 180 liter clean water tank and 60 liter mixing tank.

Hydraulic pump for mixing and dosing via 5 section valves.

Unique drip system in the wall boom with 264 small drip nozzles for very uniform wetting.

40 cm long wicks, each of which can hold a large amount of liquid, make liquid deposition on plants unique.

The sturdy stainless steel wick box with a slanted front edge takes the mechanical impact of large plants such as thistles and milkweed. The wick is 40 cm long and therefore has a long time to hit the plants. The wick can be moistened up to really wet with virtually no dripping. This, together with the long wick, provides enormous deposition on the plants.

Automatic timer function to determine the amount of liquid for all sections.

Option for to add extra fluid to each of the 5 sections by activating a button

Automatic wash program rinses each of the 5 fluid ring systems with clean water







Profiviper 1800

Speedy 2500 Wheat Master

  • Working width: 18.2 meters working speed 6 -10 km/hour = huge capacity
  •  5 sections with overlaps for each section that follow the contours of the field both up and down
  •  6 height wheels. 2 on the center section and 1 on each of the 4 sections. Steel wheels only 60 mm wide round tubes that are gentle on the crop.
  • Hydraulic relief of support wheels to minimize pressure
  • Common hydraulic height adjustment from 5 - 100 cm above ground
  • Hydraulic folding
  • 180 liter dewatering tank
  • 60 liter mixing tank
  • Hydraulic pump for stirring and dosing
  • Electric dosing with 5 section valves time controlled by Siemens computer
  • Washing function - fluid hoses are ring-connected back to the mixing tank and can be washed with clean water via valve
  • 40 cm long wicks (Floor mops) that can hold a huge amount of liquid without dripping.
  • Shielded stainless steel wall box with built-in inclined inlet that takes the mechanical impact of large plants (thistles, marigolds etc.)
  • Weighing boxes tilt vertically during transportation and excess liquid is sucked back into the tank.
  • Electric operation from the cab.
  • Easy to use